RSL512XL foldable Ground control target

RSL512XL foldable Ground control target

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RSL510 Ground Marker

RSL512XL foldable Ground control target

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RSL512XL foldable Ground control target

Ground Control Target RSL512XL, unfoldable 

  • Targets, 350 x 350 mm (closed), 650 x 650 mm (opend)

  • Survey points for use with drones

  • Can be fixed to the ground with tent pegs

  • Multifunctional

  • Waterproofed

  • Ideal for use up to a height of 100 meters / about 110 yards and more

  • Marker visibility is device and weather-dependent

The RSL512XL ground mark is printed on both sides.
Depending on the background, the lighter or darker side can be used.