
RS192M Rotatable Tilting Target

fix point for prisms and targets

RSFP-X90 Resumption Point


RSMP15 Angle Target With Mini Prism

RS192M Rotatable Tilting Target

RS192M with 20x20mm non reflective target, these targets can tilt 180° and swivel through 360°

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RSFP-X90 Resumption Point

The RS192M are used for the deployment of the following instruments: Leica 3D Disto, Geomax Zoom 3D and Flexijet 3D.

Can be quickly and easily stuck even to difficult surfaces, e.g. glass and marble façades, historic buildings, steel girders, gas and oil pipelines, etc. or can be fixed using plugs and screws. The base plates are also available in a magnetic design for easy fixing to steel fabrications. For this please add RSFP-X90 to fix to bottom of base plate.